Found 1560 Hypotheses across 156 Pages (0.007 seconds)
  1. "When mBd [mother's brother's daughter] marriage is found, there will probably be a status differentiation between the bride-taking and the bride-giving group" (60)Berting, J. - Solidarity, stratification and sentiment: the unilateral cross-cousin marri..., 1960 - 2 Variables

    This article tests differing theories of why a man's marriage of his mother's brother's daughter is often encouraged while marriage of the father's sister's daughter is discouraged. Maintenance of relationships between bride-givers and bride takers is considered, as are the role of childhood sentiments in choosing a spouse.

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  2. "There appears to exist a statistically significant relation between linearity and unilateral cross-cousin marriage" (66)Berting, J. - Solidarity, stratification and sentiment: the unilateral cross-cousin marri..., 1960 - 2 Variables

    This article tests differing theories of why a man's marriage of his mother's brother's daughter is often encouraged while marriage of the father's sister's daughter is discouraged. Maintenance of relationships between bride-givers and bride takers is considered, as are the role of childhood sentiments in choosing a spouse.

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  3. "We can expect more marriages with mBd in societies with prescriptive unilateral cross-cousin marriages than in societies with preferential unilateral cross-cousin marriages" (59)Berting, J. - Solidarity, stratification and sentiment: the unilateral cross-cousin marri..., 1960 - 2 Variables

    This article tests differing theories of why a man's marriage of his mother's brother's daughter is often encouraged while marriage of the father's sister's daughter is discouraged. Maintenance of relationships between bride-givers and bride takers is considered, as are the role of childhood sentiments in choosing a spouse.

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  4. ". . . in the avunculate . . . the relation between maternal uncle and nephew is to the relation between brother and sister as the relation between father and son is to that between husband and wife". [Attitudes are either free and familiar or hostile and reserved] (99, 100)Ryder, James W. - The avunculate: a cross-cultural critique of Claude Levi-Strauss, 1970 - 5 Variables

    The authors test Levi-Strauss' theory of the avunculate, a special relationship between a mother's brother and his sister's son. They critique the theory on the grounds that many societies have a special relationship that could be called the avunculate but lack the other relationships predicted by Levi-Strauss.

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  5. "Societies in which marriage is allowed or preferred with mother's brother's daughter but forbidden or disapproved with father's sister's daughter will be societies possessing patrilineal kin groups [matrilineal societies prefer FSD marriage]" (223).Homans, George C. - Marriage, authority, and final causes: a study of unilateral cross-cousin ma..., 1962 - 2 Variables

    The authors review and provide an alternative to Levi-Strauss's theory on unilateral cross-cousin marriage. Levi-Strauss theorized that matrilateral cross-cousin marriage (males marrying their maternal uncles' daughters) occurs more than the patrilateral form because the former promotes more "roundabout" woman-giving and overall social solidarity. He also states that the form of cross-cousin marriage does not depend on kinship linearity. In contrast, the present authors hypothesize that, among societies with unilateral cross-cousin marriage, patrilineal societies will have matrilateral cross-cousin marriage and matrilineal societies will have the patrilateral form. To justify their prediction, the authors point to the close, informal relationships fostered between males and their maternal uncles in patrilineal societies and between males and their paternal aunts in matrilineal societies.

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  6. "[In societies where] jural authority [is] in the hands of the father or his lineage . . . mother's brother [will have] an unequivocally male-mother role [indulgent]" [This hypothesis is taken from Homans and Schneider] (1010)Sweetser, Dorrian Apple - On the incompatibility of duty and affection: a note on the role of the mot..., 1966 - 2 Variables

    This article discusses the role of the mother's brother. Results suggest that role of the mother's brother is associated with descent and residence.

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  7. Unilinear descent groups will be positively associated with extrusion or brother-sister avoidance (539)Cohen, Yehudi A. - The establishment of identity in a social nexus: the special case of initiat..., 1964 - 3 Variables

    The author presents an approach to understanding initiation ceremonies that differs from the approach of Whiting (1962). Cohen looks at the association between legal and kinship systems and childrens' experiences growing up. Several significant association are found between these variables.

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  8. With marriage of the father's sister's daughter, father-to-son nepotism will also entail mother's brother (husband's father) to sister's daughter (son's wife) nepotism (240).Flinn, Mark V. - Resource distribution, social competition, and mating patterns in human soci..., 1986 - 2 Variables

    This study examines cross-cousin marriage preferences from an evolutionary perspective. Results suggest significant associations between cross-cousin marriage preferences and both polygyny and residence.

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  9. ". . . Hawaiian systems . . . [will prohibit first and second] cross-cousin marriage" (218-219)Kobben, A. J. F. - Levi-Strauss and empirical inquiry, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This paper tests some of Levi-Strauss's pronouncements on Crow-Omaha kinship systems cross-culturally. The author tests the relationships between Crow-Omaha and Hawaiian kinship systems and cross-cousin marriage. Results suggest that both kinship systems will prohibit cross-cousin marriage.

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  10. ". . . in Crow-Omaha systems a man is prohibited from marrying into the line of either of his cross-cousins" (216)Kobben, A. J. F. - Levi-Strauss and empirical inquiry, 1974 - 2 Variables

    This paper tests some of Levi-Strauss's pronouncements on Crow-Omaha kinship systems cross-culturally. The author tests the relationships between Crow-Omaha and Hawaiian kinship systems and cross-cousin marriage. Results suggest that both kinship systems will prohibit cross-cousin marriage.

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